2024 Selected Film deliverables form

Congratulations on your selection for the 2024 Portland Horror Film Festival, June 5-9!

This form is to streamline film traffic and make sure we have all the pertinent information for your film listing, including download links. Because of the number of films we have to process, and the complexity in ramping up to a hybrid event, Please help us by completing this form as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours, with your film assets coming no later than the end of day Wednesday, May 15th (We can work with you on this, so let us know in the form what you need).

Please read this all carefully. The form is simple but it seems long because there is a lot of information to help you accurately provide the info and files we need. If you get lost, or you have questions, we’re here to help, and we can do a lot to help, so please reach out.

Once you click the send button, you will be taken to the page where you can download your Official Selection laurels.

    Public availability (required)
    Please confirm that your film is not available publicly for free on streaming sites like YouTube, Vimeo, Tubi, Vudu, (etc) or on commercial home media or VOD (such as Amazon Prime, Netflix, etc.). You understand if your film IS available in these ways, your film selection status may be changed. While some exceptions may be made, with so many excellent films that do not have the exposure they need, and not enough screening time to show all of them, we prefer to fill our limited theater time with films that our audience can't see at home, so that we can do the most good for the most independent filmmakers who have yet to secure distribution.

    Screening and Promotional terms (required)
    Please check the box below to confirm that you understand and agree to the following terms.

    • Portland Horror Film Festival is an independent film competition, and as such you will not be compensated monetarily for the screening of your film, but it will be eligible to win a series of awards, and will be included on the ballot for our Audience Choice award.

    • The festival may use any clips, footage, audio, or stills from your film for the purpose of promoting the festival and the film screening, in all media.

    Basic film info

    While we can get much of this information in one way or another, this helps us put it all in one place, and gives you the opportunity to give us the fully-vetted and proofed information, exactly as you'd like to see it on our Web site and program.

    Premiere status (required)

    We generally expect films we exhibit to not have had any previous screenings in the Portland metro area. If you select "Not a premiere" please note previous Portland-local screenings in the Comments box at the end of the form.

    Are English language subtitles available?

    Subtitles are required for non-English language films and may be burned into the file or provided as an .srt file. For English language films, optional subtitles are very helpful for the hearing impaired (if streaming), so we highly encourage including an English language .srt file if one is available.

    Screen shots (required)

    Upload up to 2 full size frame grabs from your film, at least one amazing shot with no overlaid text or logos. This SHOULD NOT be your poster, but an action shot from your film. Exciting moments that feature foreground closeups of a character (or monster) work the best at large and small thumbnail sizes. Optionally, if you have a vertically oriented poster image, you may upload that also (note that we rarely use these). Maximum file size is 5MB each, .jpg or .png format.

    Important! Make sure the file name of your images include the film name and director name, so that we can tell which film they belong to (For example: "Kill Shot-Alan Smithee-image1.jpg", "Hellraiser-Clive Barker-image2.png").

    Streaming Permissions

    This year we are offering a curated streaming show, available in the USA only. Streaming will take place on the secure Eventive platform that supports full studio-grade DRM (Fairplay, Widevine, forensic watermarking, etc.) for the safety of your film, and only ticketed audience members will have access to a time-limited stream of each film block, starting at its scheduled premiere time and ending on June 13th.

    As with many film festivals, streaming lets us provide the festival experience to people with mobility and other health issues who can’t attend theatrical screenings, and brings your film to a wider audience who wouldn’t otherwise see it.

    May we stream your film to ticketed audience members:

    Video file information

    We need your film files no later than Wednesday, May 15th (if you can't get us files by that date, just let us know so we can work with you). File #1 is for the Theater Screening, and File #2 is for streaming on Eventive (if applicable).

    Can you provide the correct File Format for Theater Screening? *

    • 2k or 4k DCP with 6 channel audio (ideally with at least L, R, AND Center channel for dialogue), if available. If your DCP is stereo L and R only, it is better to supply an Apple ProRes as below.

    • OR up to 2k (max 1080 vertical resolution) Apple ProRes 422, 422HQ, 4444 with 6 Channel audio, if available. If not, stereo is okay.

    If you do not have a DCP, we will make one for exhibition from your ProRes file, and can supply it to you on request after the festival for any future screenings you might have.

    Can you provide one of these exact file formats?

    File #1: Film type for Theater screening:

    File #1: Film resolution:

    File #1: Film type for Theater screening:

    File #1: Film resolution:

    File #1: File Bitrate

    Please enter an accurate number as Mbps (1000kbps = 1 Mbps). To check your file, open in Quicktime or VLC and use Cmd-I or Ctrl-I to check bitrate. Also, in Windows, right-click the file, choose Properties, and look on the Details tab under Video. Bitrate is an important indicator of quality for exhibition on a big screen. We need a film file with a bitrate of 20Mbps or more for successful projection.

    File #1: Audio Mix:

    If you only have a stereo mix for your DCP, it may be better to provide an Apple ProRes 422.

    Can you provide the correct File Format for streaming? *

    1920x1080 (letter boxed or pillar boxed if necessary) Stereo only, H.264 MP4/MOV at 10-20 Mbps

    We can work with almost any kind of file, but note that if you supply different kinds of files, we will need to do extra processing on our end. You will be saving us A LOT of time if you supply the correct format, and also be able to ensure that your file looks and sounds great on your end.

    Bitrate is an important indicator of video quality and needs to be high enough for quality streaming, so before you choose "yes", please ensure that it is between 10-20 Mbps. To check your file, open in Quicktime or VLC and use Cmd-I or Ctrl-I to check bitrate. Also, in Windows, right-click the file, choose Properties, and look on the Details tab under Video.

    Can you provide one of these exact file formats?

    File #2: Film type for streaming *

    File #2 Resolution *

    File #2 Audio mix *

    File #2: File Bitrate

    Please enter an accurate number as Mbps (1000kbps = 1 Mbps). For quality streaming, your video file should be at least 10 Mbps but no more than 20 Mbps (must be less than 10GB total file size). Less than 10 Mbps will look fuzzy or blocky. To check your file, open in Quicktime or VLC and use Cmd-I or Ctrl-I to check bitrate. Also, in Windows, right-click the file, choose Properties, and look on the Details tab under Video. (If you chose "Not applicable" for the streaming file, leave this box blank)

    File #2: Film type for streaming *

    File #2 Resolution *

    File #2 Audio mix *

    File #2: File Bitrate

    Please enter an accurate number as Mbps (1000kbps = 1 Mbps). For quality streaming, your video file should be at least 10 Mbps but no more than 20 Mbps (must be less than 10GB total file size). Less than 10 Mbps will look fuzzy or blocky. To check your file, open in Quicktime or VLC and use Cmd-I or Ctrl-I to check bitrate. Also, in Windows, right-click the file, choose Properties, and look on the Details tab under Video. (If you chose "Not applicable" for the streaming file, leave this box blank)

    Download link

    If you can supply a download link below for your film file(s) now, that greatly simplifies our film traffic management and is highly recommended. If you don't have one ready, choose the "I'll email it later" option below and email it to submissions@portlandhorrorfilmfestival.com, ideally no later than Wednesday, May 15, so that we can incorporate a clip in our festival trailer. If you're not able to send your file by that date, please let us know when you think it might be available in the Comments box, so we can make arrangements with you.

    • You can use any file transfer service you like, but this link should remain active until June 10 in case we need to download your file again at the last minute, without notice. If this isn't possible, tell us the deadline for downloading from your service in the Comments field at the end of this form.

    • If you have a very large file, we highly recommend using a streamlined service like MASV. The service is free to upload to, but you will pay $0.25/GB when we download the file. However, it will save you a lot of time because uploads are much much faster than with traditional services like Google Drive, which throttles uploads on large files.

    • If using Google Drive (recommended), Dropbox, or other similar services, set your sharing options to "link" sharing that allows anyone with the link to download the file (usually in advanced sharing options), and paste that link here. Please do not require log in or "share" with a specific email address, as this may cause delays.

    • If using WeTransfer or similar use the "get transfer link" option and paste that here.

    • DON'T use Vimeo for downloads unless you have a higher level paid account that lets you share your "Original" file with us, and please ensure that works and the option is turned on in your privacy settings.

    • It's secure! This form will be seen and this link only used by the festival directors, and will not be shared with any other judges or staff.

    Do you have a download link available now?

    Attending Filmmaker Q&As

    If you're able to attend the festival, we would love to have you participate in a live Q&A after your film or film block. We won't have the final schedule until we get confirmations from all films, but would like to know your availability.

    Are you interested and able to attend in-person screenings in Portland, Oregon on any of the following days (we will provide a comp pass for any days you are able to attend in person) (choose all that you could attend):

    Additional comments

    Submitting this form also uploads your screenshots, so it may take a few minutes. DO NOT CLOSE YOUR BROWSER or navigate away from this page until you get the confirmation page where you can download your Official Selection Laurels.