Dark Mommy

Portland Premiere
Directed by Courtney Eck
Written by Courtney Eck and James Gannon
Starring Ben - Ben Chandler, Dark Mommy - Uranbileg Angarag, Anne - Janaah Coates, Dave - Avi Kritzman, Contortionists: Caitlyn Gee, Kathleen Hoil, Ashaand Simone, Mickey Parks, Prank Caller: Fergus Eck, Scared Caller: Harrison Eck
2023 | 9 mins | USA | English
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Ben is the only night shift 911 operator in a small town. His bubble of self-isolation is only ever punctured by drunks or prank calling kids, but tonight Dark Mommy has her own intentions for Ben…and the rest of the town.