10 Under The Radar Horror Movies Coming In 2016 2

Pssst… we’re actually playing number 4 on the list! Daylight’s End starring Lance Henriksen and Johnny Strong will be making its Pacific Northwest debut at the Portland Horror Film Festival in June.

Exposing the very best horror flicks you haven’t even heard of yet.

Source: 10 Under The Radar Horror Movies Coming In 2016

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2 thoughts on “10 Under The Radar Horror Movies Coming In 2016

  • David M. Brandon

    The last time director William Kaufman teamed up with writer Chad Law and star Johnny Strong was on another awesome genre film, Sinners and Saints. Their first endeavor was fast, funny, action-packed, and even though a genre film felt surprisingly new and fresh AND gritty. Much of the supporting cast from Sinners appears again in Daylight’s End, most notably Louis Mandylor who stole EVERY scene he was in their previous effort. i can’t wait to see this film on the big screen, oh did you know Lance Henriksen co-stars as well?! If this film doesn’t have you feeling good about movies again, then you need to go back to the multiplex for more of your safe, geriatric dog shit!