OPB’s “State of Wonder” Highlights Women Directors at Portland Horror Film Festival

Last Saturday, I sat down with Trevyn Savage, who works on OPB’s “State of Wonder” series, for an interview on women filmmakers at Portland Horror Film Festival. Trevyn interviewed directors Monica Demes (Lilith’s Awakening), Izzy Lee (“For a Good Time, Call”), and Tara Price (“Earworm”) for their perspective on horror films. The piece ran this morning and is a wonderful glimpse into what to expect at the festival this weekend.

You can listen to the segment of “State of Wonder” by clicking here: Not Your Scream Queen: Portland Horror Film Festival Bolsters Female Voices

Part of our mission here at Portland Horror Film Festival is to showcase horror films from all perspectives. I see film, and horror in particular, as a great medium for sharing ideas, crossing cultural boundaries, and reminding us all that we’re just meat bags wandering around trying to figure out what the hell our purpose is. When we identify with the characters on the screen – the traditional male hero, the feisty sidekick, the kick-ass woman, and even the rampaging monster – it draws us a little closer together as humans. This is why it’s so important that we continue to seek out cinematic voices from every angle.

~Gwen Callahan, co-Director of Portland Horror Film Festival

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